Uniquely targeted, scalable approach

Our company was founded with the idea that research and development of innovative medicines could be accelerated. To bring this idea to life, we created a new, proprietary scientific platform enabling the reproducible design of highly selective and potent precision therapies targeting root causes of disease.

As we have achieved the regulatory approval of two breakthrough medicines and advanced a broad and compelling pipeline of investigational therapies, we have continuously enhanced our R&D capability and infrastructure to optimize productivity and efficiency.

Expanding on our core kinase inhibition research platform, we have incorporated new therapeutic modalities, including targeted protein degradation, and technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Equally important, we have seamlessly integrated knowledge across our research, development, and commercial efforts, directly linking scientific insights with patient needs and accelerating treatment innovation.

Delivering breakthroughs

With our approach, we continue to build on a proven track record of serial R&D innovation.

  • 17 development candidates
  • 5 FDA breakthrough
    therapy designations
  • 5 FDA approved
  • 3 EMA approved

Select one of our areas of focus below to learn more

  • Allergy / inflammation
  • Oncology / hematology